preparatory phase

Desertif’actions 2022 / January to April
Questionnaire, national workshops and webinar

The preparatory phase

The first phase was based on an online survey, national workshops organized by civil society partners in 17 countries, and an international webinar, to build initial advocacy messages on 8 themes: drought, climate change, land degradation neutrality, ecosystem restoration, food security, biodiversity, Great Green Wall, and global health. 

From these different moments of consultation, 8 thematic sheets were produced.

They gather to collect the main useful recommendations that were brought to the UNCCD COP 15 in Abidjan.

The Online survey

The objective of this questionnaire was to collect the ideas and visions of people invested or interested in agroecology and its practices, allowing a first framing of the advocacy dynamics. 

Broadcast in 3 languages
French / English / Spanish

More than 100 responses

Respondents were predominantly male 
Francophones from the Sahel and West Africa

National workshops

Between 20 and 60 people met in each of the participating countries(Algeria, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, France, India, Mali, Mauritania, Peru, Senegal, Tanzania, Tunisia) during workshops that allowed them to produce evidence and advocacy messages on agroecology as a solution to several issues. These workshops allowed the participating organizations to share illustrations of the results of their actions in the field, and the effects observed on economic development, environmental preservation, quality of life and resilience in the face of crises. Organized voluntarily by organizations committed to their countries, these workshops clearly show the major stakes of these concerns on a global scale.


More than 70 representatives of civil society organizations, scientists and institutions participated in the online workshop organized by CARI and the Sahara and Sahel Observatory to consolidate the first results of Desertif’actions 2022 in preparation for the UNCCD COP15.
The webinar presented the results of the participation in the online questionnaire and national workshops, as well as the first consolidated results on the 8 themes addressed. The exchanges during this webinar allowed to consolidate common positions on the themes of drought, food security and land degradation neutrality, which were then carried by the civil society during the UNCCD COP15.

Find the complete report (French only)


The preparatory phase, through the various times devoted to consultation, made it possible to produce: framework notes, thematic sheets, infographics and position papers. All of these were mobilized during the COP 15 in Abidjan (phase 2).

You can consult these productions by clicking on the themes below:

Fiche thématique l'agroécologie et la biodiversité