press cartoon contest

2022 / 2019 / 2017 / 2015

press cartoon contest

The drawing contest is intended to increase public awareness of the issue of land and soil degradation through land and soil degradation through the channel of press illustration and its ability to to highlight complex issues.

With a view to continuing the work of raising awareness, the drawings from the various editions are being promoted through a campaign to combat desertification.

1er prix : Victor Solis

press cartoon contest 2022

Theme : Land and drought

400 drawings received
238 artists from 58 countries
33 selected drawings
2 winners
1st prize : Victor Solí – Mexique
2nd prize : Toso Borkovic, Serbie

cartoon contest 2019

Theme: Draw me the Great Green Wall!

+ de 30 artists
33 selected drawings
2 winners
1st prize : Glez – Burkina Faso
2nd prize : El Marto, Burkina Faso

press cartoon contest 2017

Theme: Land degradation and climate: Europe and the world face the ultimate frontiers

65 drawings received
42 artists from 13 countries
3 winners
1er prize : “La terre, l’eau, les couleurs.” Manfruelli BATTI (« BaTTi »), France 
2nd prize ex-aequo :
“Nature morte ” Guy BADEAUX, Canada 
2nd prize ex-aequo “Un nouvel Angélus” Robert ROUSSO, France



press cartoon contest 2015

Theme : The earth makes its climate

80 drawings received
44 artists from 20 country
33 selected drawings
2 winners
1st prize : Oleski – Ukraine
2nd prize : Phil Umbdenstock, France