Legal information


Legal information

Desertif’actions is a registered trademark.

Désertif’actions was created at the initiative of the CARI association, based in France. All photographs and texts presented on the site are the exclusive property of CARI and cannot be used without the explicit agreement of the editor.

Furthermore, the members of CARI decline all responsibility for any damage that may occur during the consultation of this site or following the downloading of documents found on this site. Finally, the links proposed to other sites are communicated as an indication and their content does not engage the responsibility of CARI.

Copyright photos : CARI, IRD / Olivier Dangles, IRD / Christian Lamontage, IRD / Christian Leveque, IRD / Olivier Barriere, Camille Connet, Eurométropole de Strasbourg / Francis Tack / Rasca Production 

Webmaster : CARI
Webdesigner : CBenaDesign

12 rue du Courreau – 34380 Viols-le-Fort – France / +33 4 67 55 61 18 /